Mineral Deficiencies: What Deteriorate Our Health and Beauty? Dr. Jentschura. Part 2

Mineral Deficiencies: What Deteriorate Our Health and Beauty?The Alkaline Diet and Dr. Jentschura.


When acids and toxins start to accumulate the body uses alkalizing minerals to neutralize these harmful elements creating a neutral salt.

Acids & Toxins Cause Inflammation In The Body

If these acids are not neutralized they begin to cause inflammatory processes such as gastritis, tonsillitis or diabetes. The acids and toxins deteriorate our cells, tissues and organs and are accompanied by inflammation. Thus the body begins to use more mineral stores from the skin, teeth, hair, joints and bones to join the acids and toxins with a neutralizing mineral to create a neutral salt.


This neutral salt can then be eliminated through the intestines, kidneys and lungs. Problems arise when people don’t ingest enough alkaline-forming mineral rich foods but instead consume many over-processed acid forming foods that have been stripped of their vitamins and minerals. Thus the body becomes depleted of vitamins and minerals and often has to use up it’s reserves and stores to neutralize the toxins. This is how mineral stores get used up and deficiencies can occur.

Also, the elimination organs can become overtaxed if their maximum elimination capacity becomes reached (they have a max capacity designed to protect these organs so they don’t become deteriorated, contaminated or salinated). To prevent this the body increasingly takes care of elimination through the skin. This can be observed as body odor, sweat, pimples, acne, eczema, boils, psoriasis, allergies etc.


Direction of detoxification and flow of impurities for elimination from the body.

More acids on the skin and mucous membranes can create an environment of lower pH which allows fungi and yeast to grow. Fungi and yeast are referred to as acid and toxin eaters and disappear when the pH changes.

Part 1 Alkaline Diet, Dr. Jentschura. What Deteriorate Our Health and Beauty?

Part 2 Dr. Jentschura. What Deteriorate Our Health and Beauty? Mineral Deficiencies

Part 3 What happens to neutral salts that cannot be eliminated? The accumulation of impurities

Part 4 Bath Like A Baby, Bath To Remove Acids and Toxins Through The Skin

Mineral Deficiencies: What Deteriorate Our Health and Beauty?The Alkaline Diet and Dr. Jentschura.

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