Benefits of Vegetable Juices, Carrot Celery and Beet Juice
Carrot juice can be used as a base ingredient for most juices as it has a sweet and mild flavor and is safe to be consumed in large amounts. It is high in beta-carotene so at worst people may get an orange tinge to their skin if consuming large amounts for a long period of time. It is beneficial for the skin, lungs, liver and digestive tract. It is a blood cleaner. It has a alkalizing effect on the body.
Beet Root juice is good for people with anemia and can help prevent and fight cancer. Usually just a 1/2 or one beet is added to carrot celery and beet juice as it is very potent.
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Celery juice is a good re-hydration drink for athletes because of it’s levels of organic sodium. It is highly alkalizing for the body. The plant hormones and essential oils in celery (giving it it’s characteristics aroma) help regulate the nervous system and are calming. It has anti-inflammatory effects and lowers blood pressure, yet amazingly it won’t lower blood pressure which is already low. Finally, it is a powerful eliminator of toxins from the body. Try Celery Juice by itself.
Parsley juice is a diuretic and powerful stimulant… so should not be consumed at night. It is good for people who have migraines, high blood pressure, eye disorders or anemia. Parsley can help alkalize the whole body. Warning: Parsley seems to come out as a thick paste in my cold masticating juicer.
Cucumber juice is a tonic for the skin, hair and nails.
Snow or Sugar Snap Peas. Pea juice is apparently good for people with Celiac Disease as it seems to help mend places the intestinal membrane that have been damaged by gluten, thus allowing the intestines to reabsorb food properly.
Another good vegetable to juice is sugar snap peas. It produces a juice with a mild taste.
Carrot, celery and beet juice is one of the best vegetable juice combinations, both for taste and for health. It’s good to mix it up to prevent boredom and consume a wider variety of vegetable and fruit juices. Other ingredients to explore juicing: Tomato, cilantro, mint, spinach, watercress, bell pepper… or juicing fruits such as fresh papaya juice or fresh blueberry juice.
Why Use A Slow (cold) Masticating Juicer vs a Centrifugal?
- drier pulp and ~25% more juice compared with a centrifugal juicer
- maximum nutrients since juicing is done cold, up to 30% more vitamins and minerals remain in the juice
- minimal oxidation in juice
- more enzymes in juice
I love this information..very helpful
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How much juice, how many times and how long
How much and how long drink this juice ?
Hi Jose,You can drink vegetable juice as often and as much as you like. At least a big mug a day will be beneficial.
Be careful how much carrot juice you drink as you could turn orange if you drink A LOT for a long time, from the beta-carotene but it goes away if you stop.
Also if you want to do the celery juice there is a whole website dedicated to it